Funteresting Things About Friday

Hurry up breakfast!
Headed out for a walk this morning.  Decided that I surely love the days when the trail is less traveled. And that I much prefer a teensy bit slower pace.  At least my arthritic feet do.

Stood for a minute and watched this palomino.  Pacing.  He was hungry and waiting for breakfast. Expressing his impatience by pacing up and down his fence. Hadn't seen that behavior before.

Was kept company on part of my walk by a brood of chickens.  They seemed to match my pace.  When I pulled out my phone to snap a shot, though, they all became suddenly very shy and crawled back under the fence into their yard.

11 lbs. of Nutella would take me 11 years to use.
Headed out to Costco.  It's been a while since I was there.  They've done some re-arranging (as they are wont to do.) For the first time in all the years this particular Costco has been open they moved the salt for the water softeners.  Now instead of being in the farthest southwest corner of the store, it is in the farthest northeast corner of the store. We must really want those heavy items to carry them so far.

Watched - in the cart in front of me - a small young'un toss his cookies.  And his mother didn't have a single thing in her huge bag to clean him up.  Good Samaritans still exist. (Sad to say, though, it wasn't me.  I wasn't quick enough getting the wipes out of my bag.)

Came across the most ginormous bottle of Nutella I've ever seen.  Left it there. Was so surprised I didn't even check the price.

The granddaughters and I are very fond of Little MissMatched socks.  So much so that I've become more comfortable wearing mis-matched socks that aren't even supposed to be that way.  Still, though, got a chuckle out of the grandson - returned from school, shed his shoes & showed us his "yin-and-yang" socks.  Reminded me when our son used to do the very same thing when he was in school.  (His comment,"who says socks have to match, anyways?" was totally him/true.)
Socks don't have to match.  :^)

Been looking for a replacement chair for the living room.  Without much success.  Finally found the perfect chair in a catalog.  Do I dare order a chair from a catalog?  Thinking....

And as I proofread this recitation - it's been an ordinary day.  Nothing probably really even worth the time to write about.  Except: it was full of sunshine, and lovely puffy clouds, people who managed to be observant enough to help another in spite of how crowded and busy the store was, air-conditioned house and car, sunglasses, and enough money to pay for the things we need.

Today's gratitude:  for being whisked off to pick up sandwiches for an impromptu picnic lunch in the park.  Delightful.

Life Lessons From My Morning Bike Ride

Yes, I know.  Totally silly.  Humor me.  (When I ride I have a lot of time to think...perhaps too much time.)

• Choose the right bike -mountain, road, hybrid.  Bikes are not "one size fits all".  Neither is life.  Choose the right way for you to navigate your own unique path through life. Regardless of other people's opinion about your journey.

• Proper attire is important - helmet, closed toe shoes, padded bike pants. Likewise our clothes represent the respect and reverence we have for these amazing bodies we've been blessed with.

• Maintain your equipment - good brakes, proper tire inflation, lights for night riding.  Proper nutrition and rest helps us to do our best in our travels. (This from the woman who thinks the day a failure unless it includes a modest helping of chocolate.)

• Know your route.  The end goal helps us to take the right directions along the path.

• Watch your speed.  Flying through life can cause loss of control, in addition to the possibility of missing something important along the way.

• Maintain your balance.  Too much fun/leisure can cause distraction from those things worth effort and work.

• Share the trail/road.  Selfishness doesn't help anyone.

• Pay attention.  Focus not only on the road directly in front (so as to avoid obstacles) but also the road a bit ahead.  Helps us to maintain perspective.

• Enjoy the journey.  It isn't a race.  It isn't a competition.  This journey is meant to be full of love, learning, joy, compassion and every other emotion and experience to help us to return to Heavenly Father with our honor and integrity intact.  Having done all we could to further His work on earth.

Absurd?  Trivial?  Yep.  I never professed to be a deep thinker.  Do I have all the answers?  Not even close.  Just sharing my morning bike ride thoughts.

Middle Of The Week

And I've been doing probably w-a-y too much thinking.

• Headed out for my bike ride this morning.  I've quipped that I ride the route I do because it is uphill all the way out, and downhill all the way back.  I like to get the hard part over first then just meander along enjoying the ride without much effort.

If that philosophy were applied to life, the hard stuff would pretty much be over and I'd be coasting along, expending little effort to finishing out my years on earth.  Sounds sorta appealing.  On second thought, though, it might be kind of boring.  (I've often asked for a little boring, haven't had much luck with that request, either.) That would mean I'd learned all I'm meant to learn. Don't think we're - any of us - ready for that kind of existence.  Heavenly Father knows best.

• Noticed on my ride this morning that I haven't heard any meadowlarks in a while.  Instead, yesterday morning I was greeted with a deep, long m-o-o from the cow alongside the trail.  A comforting sound.

2 3/8" by 5" - it was so fun to do!
• Committed snail-slaughter while riding along.  Didn't mean to kill the snails.  (Could just hear The Husband (in my head) telling me to go ahead, get as many as possible.)

• Wondered at the cashier at the grocery.  I pay for my goods in cash 99% of the time.  Did so today.  As she handed me back my change, she said, "thanks, ______" and called me by name.  Now where did that come from?  How on earth does she know my name?  Even though it was pleasant to be called such, makes me wonder if I'm not spending too much time at the grocery.  They should put me on the payroll....

• Finished up my latest cross stitch project.  I so enjoy hand needlework.  I think this one might be one we frame.  Used a variegated silk floss on it - haven't worked with silk before, and it was delightful.  Luxurious, even.

Today's gratitude:  for hope.

Can't Forget...

• how lovely the sunrise was this morning.  It look me several minutes to delete all the sunrise photos - from days of walking -  from my phone.  Must be my favorite time of the day (next to jammie time.)
Sunrise - my favorite time of day.

• how much I enjoy coming home from errands to My Love.  (I'm so glad you're home!)

• what a blessing it is to have season tickets to see plays and hear the symphony.  What luxury.  We're off to Hale tonight to see a play that wasn't given very good reviews.  It will be fun even so.

• how fun the Grandchilluns are.  We so love to hear what comes out of their mouths.

• how much I love a shake made from gelato.  What a treat that was last night.

• how much I like stumbling across great quotes.  Like this one:


Those leaves really are moving in the wind.
I've been known to utter a whine or two about the wind.  (Draper is sorta/kinda "famous" for its wind.) It spreads dirt around, it blows away the garbage cans, it makes trees look like they're in a perpetual lean...and most disturbing of all:  it messes up my hair.

Spent some time working in the yard with The Husband this morning.  Since we do this before our morning shower, I wasn't concerned about the dirt or even my hair.  It was the perfect day to be outside:  there was just the barest hint of fall in the air, the temps were in the upper 60's, the sun didn't feel too hot.  In a word:  lovely.

As I worked I began to be more aware of the breeze/wind.  Faintly reminiscent of the sound of the waves at the beach (a favorite place to be).  Less rhythmic, but equally soothing.  The leaves moving around creating interesting patterns on the grass, the whoosh of the air through the pines - all working together to generate the perfect conditions for working out in the dirt, bugs and thorns.  (Pretty obvious that yard work isn't my preferred pastime.)

Still, I found myself contemplating again the beauty of this world.  Being grateful for my body and the ease with which I can bend and move.  Feeling tenderness for the plants that flourish in spite of benign neglect. And loving the privilege of having a small spot of ground to call our own, a stewardship from our Heavenly Father that we try to be wise in utilizing. It was a fantabulous way to start the day.

Mystified and YAY!!

Been watching this couple over the last month or 6 weeks.  See them multiple times a week.
Is is possible they're friends?
Each wearing their earbuds.  She's generally at least a few steps ahead of him, sometimes quite a bit ahead of him.  They never touch.  Even more, they never speak.  Yet they are clearly a couple.  Wonder what their story is.  Does she just walk faster?  Or did the marriage counselor tell them to take walks together and this is the solution? It mystifies me.

Free tickets are the best!
Received an offer for free tickets to a concert at the mega-nacle.  Should be a super evening. Although I don't have my hopes up.  We've been given tickets to stuff like this before.  Never end up getting in, they w-a-y over-ticket these things.  If we don't get in, well, c'est la vie. They were free tickets anyway.

And YAY!!  The Husband has arrived.  We've hugged and talked, eaten and talked and basked in each other's company. I will sleep well tonight.

Today's gratitude:  for the ability to indulge in a chocolate-chocolate shake.  (I'll be miserable for a while, ate too much, but it was such a delight!)

Long Week

I've tried to keep myself super busy this week - I'm pretty lonesome for The Husband.  Busy-ness helps. But then I end up tired of being gone all day every day and need some down-time.  Tomorrow will mostly be a down-time day.  I'll spend it here at home:  laundrying, tidying, vacuuming, preparing...for the return of My Love. (And next week will be back to cooking.)

Hollyhock blossom
Intended to walk the south end of the trail - combining my drive out there with my need to put gas in the car.  Decided to gas up first.  Good thing - it started raining on me.  Otherwise I'd have been walking in the rain, hustling back to the car and grousing about missing out on my exercise altogether.

Took this shot of our still blooming hollyhocks through the screen.  They're about 8 feet tall and so lovely.

Spent some time in the temple on behalf of my mother-in-law. It was one of those delighted-to-be-where-I-was occasions.  Even witnessed a small act of service that touched my heart.  There's just something about the act of kneeling in front of another to help with their shoes that exudes kindness, thoughtfulness.

Today's gratitude:  for my indoor treadmill for when it rains/snows/ices.  I feel so pampered to have such a luxury.

Middle Of The Week

Stepped out my door this morning and spent the next hour and a half absolutely entranced by the sky. The moonset and the sunrise and all the cloud formations...I took no less than 20 pictures trying to capture the beauty and the atmosphere created by the beginning of this new day. A treasure.
For The Beauty Of The Earth

Took a friend to the Springville Quilt Show.  (Didn't make it last year.) And though it was smaller it was no less eye-candy and happifying. (Made my fingers itch to get into a project.)

Took myself off to the movie (Jobs) and came away deep in thought.  Recognized once again that The Husband has worked for some great (and well-known) companies, interacted with some similarly well-known personalities and participated in projects along the way that have proved fulfilling in his career. What an amazing world we live in.

Jamba Juice dinner (accompanied by homemade bread toast) and I'm ready to settle in for the night. My jammies and a good book and I'll call this a good day.

Happened on this quote today:  "Beauty is whatever gives joy."  --Hugh Nibley.  I like it.

A Puzzlement

Up early this morning for a bike ride with a friend.  Thoroughly enjoyed our ride and her company.  I often mention how uncomfortable I am in social situations - but one-on-one I can handle and even derive some benefit.

They'll have a bountiful harvest.
Saw this garden.  It must be larger than our entire back yard.  Not only was it beautiful to see, but had such an air of peace and plenty.  So loved soaking it in.

Now, I don't often go to doctors.  I try to be healthy and avoid them.  Visited a dermatologist this afternoon for a spot on my hand.  (She says I'll live, most likely nothing to be concerned about.)  It's really hard to take seriously the (not quite natural) blonde wearing gray (yep, read it right: gray) lipstick.  (Not to mention the faux-perky attitude. Meh...)

What's still rattling around in my brain was the office policy/disclosure statement I had to sign. Wherein it states (hidden carefully in the middle of the long small-print document) that patient must not abuse or threaten office staff in any manner.  Seriously.  I'm just nonplussed.  It's a puzzlement that they find this necessary.

And immediately upon receiving my signature I was subjected to the sales pitch.  Complete with brochure showing pictures of all the doctors there at the facility, their specialties, the office hours and all the benefits of using that particular medical center as my go-to-one-and-only-place-of-all-things-to-keep-me-healthy. Including some subtle pressure to sign-up.  The result: a strengthening of my determination to avoid such places.  Probably not the desired conclusion.

Ended up speaking with the Stake President tonight for just a minute.  Somehow I felt guilty for taking up his time when he has so very many things to do.  And he was perky.  But somehow sincerely so: apparently happy without pretense and loving his association with fellow church members.  Totally different atmosphere. (Genuine.)  Totally different natural response from me.  Liked it.

Tonight's gratitude: For those who take the time to spend some time with me.


Had such a delightful day today.  Our friends were in town and graciously spent the day with us.  They met us at church, then came to our house for the remainder of the time that our voices held out.  We could have gone longer (visiting and sharing laughter) but it got dark and time for them to head out.

I'm a survivor!
How fun to spend the day in conversation - where it felt like we just picked right up from where we left off the last time we were together a number of years ago.  We've kept in touch - I've followed their mission blog, we've emailed.  And though time has aged our bodies some, our spirits still feel young.  I thoroughly enjoyed the gift of this day.

This little rose was a gift I received and planted out in the yard.  That particular spot doesn't get quite enough water, and I forget to supplement the moisture this mini-rose needs.  Still, it far.

Reminds me of those who survive on a bare subsistence of kindness, or love, or even food. Courage keeps us going when it might be easier to give up.  I'll try to maintain the life of the rose, keeping it as a visual reminder to be kinder, gentler, more loving to those whose story I might not know, but who could use an extra measure of those efforts.

Favorite quote of the day (and I'm hoping I get this right):  Absolute truth without kindness wounds.

Today's gratitude:  for the beauties of this world.  Blessings abound.  For all of us.


Love the pose.
The visitors have come and gone.  Dinner appeared to be a success and I hope they felt comfortable and welcome here in our home.  It was fun to have them here.  Next time, we'll play tour guide a little more.

It was a red-letter day for The Husband: he wore shorts to his Insta-Lunch.  He wears shorts all the time - around the house. Almost never wears them out.  I think he's cute in them.  Besides, we're old enough now to do what we like. (No one else really cares anyway.)

Helicopters w-a-y off in the distance.
Been hearing lots of helicopters head over the mountains to the next valley over to fight the fire.  Feel sad for those who have lost their houses.

Been thinking a lot lately about kindness.  It really is more than the absence of hard-heartedness, indifference or antipathy.  It is about the state of one's heart.  How much a disciple of Christ one is. Decided there just isn't enough kindness in the world.  And I'm just as culpable as the next person.  It causes conflict in me to avoid a person because of their lack of kindness.  Somehow makes me feel less than charitable.  I understand that avoidance isn't quite the same as perpetuation.  Still, we always expect the most from ourselves.  I don't like it when I don't quite measure up - to my standards, not those of someone else.

The corollary that follows is that not everyone has the same standards for kindness, decency and concern for others.  Doesn't mean that I should lower mine.  And doesn't take away that conflict, either. Oh, life is complicated.  Even in the ordinariness of every day.

Tomorrow's (and every day after it) goal:  to find kindness even when it isn't readily apparent.  And to attempt more implementation of kindness.

Wednesday Afternoon

A favorite kind of cookie.
And I feel like a nap.  Must've been those chocolate cookies I had for lunch.  Probably shouldn't have had chocolate cookies.  But chocolate cookies I had...and I enjoyed them.

Managed a bike ride this morning.  12.5 miles.  Was glad that I was paying attention though.  Some dude also enjoying his morning bike ride was immersed in his watching of the lady shoveling horse droppings into the garbage, thus he strayed from his side of the trail - heading directly at me.  He must have heard my internal squeal of alarm.  At the very last second we were both saved from catastrophe. Whew!...!

Anxiety kind of rules me today.  We are having some visitors.  I want them to feel welcome in our home.  I've tidied and actually dusted a few things.  Have some menu plans in case there are several meals we need to provide.  Generally we have family for company.  I figure they already all know me - warts (flaws - which are many) and all.  They pretty well are stuck with me.  These visitors:  not so much.  My prayers have been for an extra helping of kindness guiding my actions.  And then it hit me...I should be extending an extra helping of kindness at all times, in all places, with all people.  Yeah.


I'm a fan of (numerous) fresh things:  fresh-from-heaven babies, fresh flowers, fresh food.

Corn, tomatoes, and cucumbers, yum.
Yay for cookie bites.

Ran down to our favorite farmers stand for some of the season's delectables.  Had one of our favorite summer meals.  Felt quite virtuous eating so well.

Then had to balance out all that healthy eating with a healthy dose of chocolate.  (I've always wanted to buy a bag of cookie bites, but never could bring myself to splurge.  Somehow doesn't feel like a splurge when The Husband does things like that for me.  Feels more like a pampering.)

The Husband worked hard today, accomplished a lot around here.

And now we'll be fresh for Sunday.

Fotos From Friday

Quail filled scrub oak.
Started the day with my walk.  This stand of scrub oak was several hundred feet long.  Was concerned about the constant rustling I heard coming from the oak.  Until I realized I was the one doing the alarming.  I was alarming the several hundred quail (including the little ones) as I walked along.

A lost pet?
It's a bird!  It's a plane!  It's a bunny!  I'm thinking someone's pet got loose.  Cutest little thing with ginormous black eyes.  Had to restrain myself from trying to touch it - it looked so soft.  Never saw a bunny on the trail before.

Hot Air Balloons
Way, way,w-a-y off in the grainy (no zoom on the camera) distance were these hot air balloons rising with the morning sun.  Brought back fun memories of the hot air balloon ride we took.

Hot, fresh bread = YUM!!
Love my steamer.

         Had a hankering for some homemade wheat bread.  These are the fruit of my labors.  Somehow can't quite get the hang (and not for lack of trying) of making four evenly sized loaves, there's always a small one in the bunch.  We each had a slice - literally straight from the oven with butter and honey.  Pure comfort.

My floor steamer helped me to finish up the cleaning.  Amidst the walking, bread making, vacuuming, laundry, bill-paying (YAY! for payday) I also steamed the tile.

And now I'm thinking, I had such a fun friday, I should have taken more fotos.


Been getting a little schooling in the art of patience today.  I wonder: if I thought of patience as more of an art than a trial would it be easier to obtain?  Hmmm.  Thinking on that.

Took nearly twice as long as they said to get the oil changed/36 month service on the Prius today.  I only have to do this once a year.  Therefore I shouldn't complain about an extra hour or so. Thus....patience.

Since I was in the neighborhood I stopped in at the furniture store.  Nearly bought a chair.  Decided to think on it.  Again....patience.  I don't have to have a replacement chair this minute.  After we gave our living room furniture to our daughter when she got married, I think we went for - oh, I don't know - several years without anything in the living room but the piano.  And frankly, I was fine with that.  Don't have to buy the first thing I see.  In fact that probably isn't a good idea.

Lots of clouds mean not only pretty skies, but moderated temperatures.
This morning's sky was so lovely when I went for my walk.  I was hot-footing it because of my car appointment.  This picture was taken at 6:50 a.m.  The days are getting shorter and shorter.  I won't miss the heat but I have so enjoyed the sunrises this summer.

Patience synonyms:  long-suffering, forbearance (love that word) tolerance.  All qualities I should acquire.  If only I can endure the lessons long enough.

Today's gratitude:  For the smiles that greet me - by those who love me and from those strangers who just plain have happy hearts.

A Couple Oddities From Wednesday

My trusty steed (my bike) took me on a 12 1/2 mile ride this morning.  Loved, loved, loved being out for the sunrise.

Didn't plan, though to murder a snake. Didn't see it until my front tire ran over it.  It's history.  Sigh..

Poor little snake, it was only about 10" long.
I did see, though, the mama and papa quail with their 4 little quail-lets alongside the trial.  Cute little feather-balls.  (And no, didn't run over any of them.)

Heading to the check-out at the store was stopped by a lady who remarked she had the very same throw rugs in her powder room.  What size was I buying?  And she-painted-the-room-the-wrong-color-and-wasn't-very-happy-with-it-until-she-found-these-throw-rugs-but-now-it-all....

(Brought the throw rugs home, showed The Husband and he was underwhelmed.  I stood firm in my desire to have them do.  It isn't a lifetime commitment, it's a couple of throw rugs.  We'll throw them away when we're done with them.)

Few minutes later (still at the store) was told that if I was looking for clothes I should head down the strip mall to Dress Barn where everything was 30-50% off, even clearance and they got an extra 15% off just for coming in today and it's a fabulous sale...

I'm thinking I must've looked lonesome or something.

Heard some sad news:  Our son and his family lost their little dog today.  I think there'll be another funeral.

I'm also thinking I shouldn't have described my lasagne as "my famous lasagne".  Wouldn't want anyone to set their expectations too high.  (I've never professed to be a good cook.  Adequate would be an overstatement of my skills.)  :^)

Today's gratitude:  For air conditioning in my car.  For beautiful sunrises and equally beautiful sunsets. And for the chocolate I'm on my way to have.


The Husband patched my bike tube late last night.  Alas, when he sprang out of bed at 6 this morning to check on it, the tire was f-l-a-t. 

I called my friend to tell her the bad news.  Only to hear her say that she also had tire issues with her bike and couldn't ride hers either.
All fixed-ready-to-ride!

Decided to walk together.  Had a lovely walk.  Did about 5 3/4 miles.  Not only did we give our bodies a workout, but our mouths and minds had a lovely workout as well.  It's been quite a time since I've had such a delightful morning walk.

And tonight:  my bike is whole again.  We managed to find a couple replacement tubes and also had explained to us how to fix the inherent problem causing the flats.  Easy fix.  Only required about an hour of The Husband's time and a small bit of cash.  Did a quick test ride even though it's nearly ten and black as night out there.

And tomorrow morning I'll be most likely out on the trail riding along - enjoying the sunrise, the fresh air and the relatively deserted trail at oh-dark-o'clock in the a.m.  Looking forward to it.

Tonight's gratitude:  for a man who never wavers in the face of my every whim and seems to enjoy fulfilling them.  For bikes with full tires, tightened brakes and adjusted seat.  For yet another way to bask in the loveliness of this world in which we dwell.

Monday's "Highlights"

And when I say "highlights"  I say it with tongue firmly anchored in cheek.  (It's been one of those days.)

• Slopped buttery lunch on my front.  Yep, must've been eating like a pig.

• Bought the wrong thing at the grocery.  Embarrassing to have to take it back for exchange.
Yes, they smell heavenly!

• Standing at the grocery checkout had the power go out not once but twice.

• Got my freshly washed/waxed car dirt-rained all over.

• Tried the drive-through (I generally avoid drive-throughs like the plague) at the DMV.  Big mistake.  Waited 15 minutes after sending my registration through the pneumatic tube for her to even open the tube (for retrieval of my stuff) on her side.  The guy over on lane 3 must've not read the rule:  no issues allowed in the drive-through.

• Was thwarted in my effort to drive down my street by the 3 female bike-riders strung out the entire width.  Single-file riding on streets?  Must be something new they haven't yet heard about.

Now for some real highlights:

• Fresh picked tomatoes from the farm-stand alongside the road.

• A fresh supply of books from the library.

• A free book for completing the summer reading program.

• A sympathetic hug from The Husband as he tried to counteract my frustration-fueled-micro-melt-down.

• The picture-text I received from our friend displaying the new baby cuddled up in the blanket I made for her.  Awww, too sweet.

Today's gratitude:  that it's almost Tuesday!

10:30 p.m. UPDATE:  discovered a flat tire on my bike - the perfect ending to a fabulous day....

Surprising Saturday

Surprising in that we seem to have found some sort of balance in our Get-Ready-For-Sunday day.  And  I am enjoying that sensation, I like the absence of pressure to accomplish myriads of things.

Started out the day working in the yard.  The Husband battling the snails/ants/spiders.  And also the weeds.  I set about trying to bring some sense of freshness to the rose bushes - snipping off the spent blooms and pulling some weeds around them.

Lovely in the shade.
The Husband then decided to take a break and I joined him a minute later.  Neither of us could remember the last time we relaxed on the grass this way.  Enjoyed a quiet chat.

Went to a movie:  The Unfinished Song.  Only probably 20 people or so in the audience.  And I'm fairly certain every single one was over 55.  And rightly so.  I don't think it would mean much to a younger crowd.  Lots of sniffles and tears.  A few laughs.  The Husband said it pushed all the right buttons.  I enjoyed it.  Reminds me to not wait until too late for enjoyment; or making peace with another.  And to love the music created for our benefit.

At the grocery, listened to another customer regale me (unsolicited) with her hummingbird encounter.  And rued the reinforcement The Husband received (from a lady sitting in her car) at his K.I.T.T. car antics.  (He doesn't seem to mind that it dates him.) And encouragement is not helpful.  :^)

Today's gratitude:  for laughter and the recognition of how much a smile can (beautifully) transform someone's face.

Gratitude On A Friday

Thinking that it's good for me to focus on contentment and acknowledgement of blessings in our lives.

Decided that I'm grateful for kindness of others - doesn't matter who extends it to me.  It is a tender mercy that never fails to enrich my life.

Enjoyed taking dinner in to the new Mom.  We beat her home from the hospital, thus were basically the first to see the newest little member of their family.  Sweetness personified.

Was so pleased to be given tomatoes fresh from a friend's garden.  Fabulous for my tongue and my heart to be the recipient of the season's bounty.

Noticed this volunteer snapdragon amidst the other florals.  Made me smile.

Lovely inviting shade from our honeylocust trees.
And had to stop and savor the shade when I went out for the mail.  (Haven't been spending money lately ordering from catalogs; so all we get in the mail are bills.)

Enjoyed a several hour lunch with friends and their patience with me as I always tack a micro-field trip onto our lunches.  Yesterday was a bookstore - a place of comfort for all three of us.

Thoroughly delighted in my morning bike ride - 57 lovely degrees - especially when I happened on The Husband on my way back.  It's fun to ride with another.

And after too much food today:  I'm grateful for pants that are baggy everywhere.