
Just a few things rattling around in my head this morning:

Our red hollyhocks are blooming!
Girding myself to face a Saturday alone.  The Husband works pretty hard.  Saturday is the absolute only day we ever have to just do what we like, and even those "likes" are sandwiched in between some "have-tos".  Our ward's Youth Conference started on Thursday night.  I've had a taste of what it must be like married to a bishop as he's been gone Thursday evening, Friday evening and today from 7 a.m. through about 10 tonight.

I don't begrudge his time spent serving others.  I just have a heart that's yearning for our time together.  Indeed, it is a rarity for him to have to be gone on Saturday.  I'm grateful for all those weekend days we do get to spend together.  Still, I am lonesome for him.

Had another public restroom encounter with a toddler yesterday.  He was most anxious to show me his big green balloon.  I asked him what color it was (odd question, I know, it's just what came out when I opened my mouth).  His answer - red! -
elicited a brief giggle from both his Mom and me.  Cuteness.

First thing this morning was texted the news of the death of a friend.  (His wife shares my same first name and her birthday is the day after mine.  We've sort of bonded.) He was only in his mid-70's.  Hard way to start out a day.  My heart hurts for his wife.

August is my least favorite month of the year.  July my second least favorite.  It's that heat thing.  This year June will rival August and July.  Yesterday's high was 104. Those triple digit temps are predicted for the next week.  And we're in a drought as well.  Sigh....

Today's gratitude:  for air conditioning that works.  In the house, in the car, in most public places.  How did the pioneers ever survive without it?


I've often stated I'm not fond of my name.  It isn't feminine, or pretty.  It's just a couple flat syllables that I answer to.

Lately I've felt like I've found the one thing I should have been named:  Idiot.  It seems like just the perfect fit.

I feel like an Idiot when I:

• Speak before thinking -  making me thoughtless, inconsiderate and even unkind.

• Do stupid stuff - myriads of things too numerous to mention.  Face-planting on the front porch just one example. Burning food another.  Breaking things - yet another.....

• Disappoint people.

• Get disappointed by people.  I try to be accommodating.  Often it backfires leaving me uneasy, unhappy and frustrated. It isn't my place to judge.

• Embarrass myself (see bullet point #2).

Today's idiocy:  I cut my finger.  (Me + Kitchen + Knife = Danger.)  Resulting in a super-ginormous flap of skin on my left index finger - too thin to stitch, deep enough to bleed and hurt.  Next stop:  the store for some of those bandaids-just-for-fingertips, also some unexpired antibiotic ointment.

Had the cut bandaged so tight it is invisible!  OW!
The Husband's reaction (after first giving me first aid for both the finger and my heart) was to ask me if I am going to still be able to play the piano.  He does seem to like the music I can make given the appropriate instrument and a bit of printed music.

Today's gratitude:  That I only cut this itty bitty piece of skin off the tip-edge of my finger and not the whole fingertip.  Plunking those ivories might then be difficult.

And another gratitude:  that I have never felt the need to dress for impact.  Saw a 20-something gal walking into the store.  Double layer black tank tops sans brassiere, black hot-hot (super short) pants, black patterned stockings stretching to just above the knee(leaving her thighs bare) and chunky heeled black boots.  (She kinda looked like a sideways skunk - all that black with her white thighs a horizontal slash through the middle.) Each to his/her own, not really trying to be critical, just seriously really grateful I never had the need to make that kind of a statement.  I'll take my conservative old-lady capris and sandals with socks any day.


And tomorrow is my favorite day of the week.

Pretty much every morning, I put on my shoes and head out the door.  Sometimes (depending on the time of year - darkness/light - and the wind) I'll ride my bike.  (And also, depending on the weather I enjoy the luxury of my very own treadmill and an elliptical.  How fortunate I am!)  But my go-to favorite morning-head-into-the-day activity is to walk.  Most days I manage between 4 and 5 miles.

Leaving the house for my walk: the setting super-moon.
I've long maintained I'm a morning person.  I just naturally wake up early, enjoy the morning hours the most and pretty much flag in the evening, shut down earlier than most people.  I understand those of us who are morning people are in the minority.  It seems most everyone I know thinks I'm crazy because I like to get up early.  (Not super-early, just early enough.)

And while I like to be up and about early, that doesn't mean I like to be social at the same time.  I think one of the reasons I like to head out the door (or to the exercise room) is that I like to enter the day at a slower pace.  I enjoy the solitude of my walks/bike-rides/treadmill/elliptical.  I can read, or listen to my iPod or even just think.  (The single exception to this is The Husband - I'm always ready to talk to him.)

Lately I've found myself extremely reluctant to answer those who demand I return their "Good Morning" when passing on the trail.  I deliberately choose the less-traveled areas to travel because I enjoy the peace.  Civility requires I be kind/nice/pleasant and return a good morning.  Frankly, I'm just not interested in communicating with civility until I've walked the sleep off my mind.  Since I have become aware of my disinclination to be pleasant in the morning, I now have a new fault to work on.  It seems my many faults will never be conquered.

Whatever...I've been thinking a lot about my morning walking and how much I enjoy it.

After my walk this morning,  The Husband suggested an article in the paper I should read.  I so loved what the author said.  She pretty much nailed what I think is appropriate exercise philosophy.  Made me wish that more people shared this approach to health.  No, I don't know the author, and only rarely read her column, but in this instance she definitely got my attention.  Food for thought.

C. Jane Kendrick: Weight loss never promised peace: Why I exercise without expectations | Deseret News

Today's gratitude:  for the luxurious indulgence of having season tickets to Hale.  The play last night wasn't my favorite, but it was such fun to go with some friends.  They didn't appear to mind too awfully much that we're old enough to be their parents.  So - gratitude for kind people as well.

Only 3 In The Afternoon...

and I'm tired already.  Today's agenda has included (but isn't limited to) the following:

Think she'll like this blanket for her baby girl?
• walked 5 miles on the trail

• went to the laundromat where I washed, dried the blanket I made making it ready for gifting

• picked up a jacket from the store tailor (refused to re-anchor a button on a brand-new-only-worn-once-jacket of The Husband's)

• spent too much at Costco

• vacuumed

• steamed the tile

• researched a couple recipes for a friend

• cleaned some bathroom sit-down-porcelain

• prepared The Husband's lunch

• folded some laundry

While I realize this is a very short list compared to what lots of other women accomplish in much less time, for some reason, today I feel like I've worked.  Now, I might manage to get in a little reading/stitching before time to fix dinner. Unless I sit down in a chair a take an unintended nap.

A couple things I noticed:

• An employee at the laundromat was cleaning l-o-t-s of our U.S. flags.  At one point she had 13 mondo dryers running - all filled with multiple fairly large flags.  Don't know that I've ever seen that before, I guess it never occurred to me to wonder how flags get cleaned, if they even do.

• Rounding a corner at Costco nearly trampled (accidentally) a boy, about 10 or so, sitting cross-legged on the floor, chin propped in hands totally immersed in a book from the book tables.  Cute, cute sight.  Love, love to see young'uns reading.

• Got some fabulous pictures of the supermoon setting and the sun rising.  It was a lovely morning for a walk.

• I shall never consider fresh strawberries forbidden fruit.

• I wasn't fond of the vampire fad.  Not big on the robots.  Saw the Brad Pitt zombie movie over the weekend.  I'm less fond of zombies.  Can't help but wonder what's next?

• Played peek-a-boo with a purple finch who was apparently scavenging breakfast in one of our house gutters.

Today's gratitude:  for hugs, particularly ones from The Husband.  (He rarely has his hug block going.)


I've been needing some new bread pans since we had to cut one apart awhile ago.  Couldn't bring myself to spend the money.  Went to a sale at a kitchen supply yesterday and walked out with 4 new bread pans.  Pricey, even on sale.  Made me a tad nervous, spending that much on pans.

Maybe not pretty, but definitely tasty! I had to try them out.  What fun it was to make some whole wheat bread and deliver a couple loaves to some friends of ours.  (I've become quite a fan of the hard white wheat - it produces such a light, moist loaf of bread!)

Of course, that was after the two of us devoured half a loaf.  Warm bread fresh from the oven with melting butter drizzled with a touch of honey:  pure pleasure on my tongue.

I've been quite mindful of something that's been occurring in Primary the last little while.  I play prelude while the sr. kids are coming in to sharing time from class.  And again after the closing prayer.  I've heard (while I'm playing) some of the kids and one of the teachers humming along to the music.  I'm not sure if they're even aware they're doing it.  But...the result warms my heart.  The music reaches out to them and gets into their head/heart.  Those primary songs are full of goodness, doctrine and peace.  How gratifying to my soul to hear that my few minutes of service reaches others.  How enriching is the blessing of music!

Today's gratitude:  for fabulous new bread pans....and Heavenly Father's gift of music.

My Friday In Pictures

Birdie Nest
 First thing on the trail this morning spied this bird's nest in the tree.  Passed that tree tons of times this spring.  Never noticed the nest until today.
Fragrant Linden Tree

Love all the Linden trees in bloom.  Their fragrance is delightful.

My Least Favorite Sign
Orchid Buds
Can't go anywhere these days without seeing signs like this one.  One of my least favorite points of interest.

My orchid is sending up bloom spikes.  Look real close and the buds are just starting to protrude from the stem.

Tonight's 4th Annual Draper-By-Moonlight ride was a huge success.  In spite of the fact that we left to the sight of an unobstructed moon.  Ten minutes into the ride it was completely behind the clouds.  The moon played peekaboo with us until we arrived home when it fully emerged from it's cover.  Still, a perfect night for a ride: low 60's, barely a breeze, quiet.  We even saw a deer alongside the trail...boing,boing,boing.

Tonight's gratitude:  For someone to go on my Draper-By-Moonlight bike ride with me.
Almost Full Moon For Bike Ride


I've long had several goals - things I'd like to do.  Not fond of the popular "bucket list" - that's not my thing.  Just have several things in the back of my mind I'd like to do.

Quilt my Grandma made for me.
My Grandmother made each one of her granddaughters a beautiful quilt.  Mine has been much used and much loved.  One thing I've hoped to do is a cross-stitch for each of my granddaughters.  (A big hurdle is finding just the right pattern.) Awhile ago I stumbled on this pattern which just called out the name of one of my granddaughters.

Turned out pretty nice.
Today she received it for her birthday.  I practically held my breath as she opened it, anticipating her reaction.  I think she liked it.  I surely hope so.

Determined once again that hugs from my grandchilluns are the very best.  Every single one of them gives the very best hugs.  I could never get enough of them.

Loved this word from my granddaughter that she says she uses instead of confused:  confuddled.  My newest favorite.  I shall be using this one again. (Wasn't awfully surprised to find it in the dictionary - means just what it sounds like - a merging of confused and befuddled.)

I've a few other goals in mind.  Things I want to make, things I'd like to learn.  Maybe goal isn't the right word.  Perhaps intention is more apt.  I really intend to do these things, but if I don't, I don't want to be disappointed in myself like I might if it is official.  Stating something as a goal makes it official.  The main thing is to not be stagnant.  Hope to always be strivinglearninggrowingblossoming.  Life is more fun that way.

(And somewhere along the way I need to figure out how to take better pictures with my phone, or even get a more suitable camera.  I've taken more pictures since having this smart phone than I've ever taken in my life.  So I should at least learn to do them with competence.)

Tonight's gratitude:  for bikes with air aplenty in their tires and mornings just perfect for riding them.


So, no, it wasn't the broken trail that was the third thing.  It was my broken curling iron.  Easily remedied, but a pain.  I'm counting on this being the third thing.

Later I'll be off to find a replacement.  Hoping I can find one.

In Threes, Really?

We've been battling some sickly grass.  With the extreme (and early) hot weather and then that dastardly wind that never seems to cease, the lawn is fried.  The Husband is peeved with our YardGuy who drove his mower over the crispy grass causing further damage.  We've soaked and soaked it and it looks like it might revive.  (Our water bill is going to be out of sight!)  I should have paid better attention last week when The Husband was out of town.

Not just the road but now the trail, too?
Air conditioners are supposed to work, right?  Ours wasn't - working, that is.  Were able to get the repairman out pretty quickly (after an uneasy sleep) and the fix didn't take long.  And while the damage to our checking account wasn't as bad as it could have been, I still hadn't planned on spending that cash in that way.

Decided (still / again) I'm not a shopper.  I just want to find what it is I need/seek/desire and get it done with.  Have little patience for looking and looking and no patience whatsoever with meander-shopping.  (Hearkens back to that poor childhood and my dislike for spending money.)  Did, however, manage to find a pair of white jeans - and on sale no less - for roughly 50% off.

Hit the trail this morning (not quite as early as I would have liked) leaving my iPod at home.  I do that occasionally.  It always surprises me how quickly the time passes, my mind seems occupied (I often spend some of that time praying) and I can more readily hear the robins and finches and meadowlarks.  I didn't miss my iPod at all.  However...just a few hundred feet from home I hit a road--er--trail block.  (Will the middle school never be finished?)  Now they're digging up the trail!  They kindly slowed their blacktop removal while I passed, promised me the trail would be passable (only on roadbase) by this afternoon and didn't yell at me.

So:  troubled grass, unhappy air conditioner, and broken trail.  That's three, right?  We should be good for a bit, right?  Please?  (And please don't say the broken trail doesn't count.  I'm counting on it counting!)

And today's gratitude:  For the only basketball game I attended during my high school years.  The very game where a cute guy sat behind me and pulled fluff from my sweater.  The cute guy that I married.  And I think he's still pretty cute.


Aware, again, that most days are a mixture of good and bad, hope and disappointment, happy and some pain.

Chuckled to myself coming out of the library at the little toddler I passed who was wearing his sunglasses upside down.  He was perfectly comfortable.

Mini drama - waiting my turn to drive through the construction area I watched a woman leave her car (parked in the lot across the street) and quickly try to catch up with a man, crying and yelling all the way.  (My windows were closed, couldn't hear the conversation.)  Watched him shake his head and keep walking while she trudged back to her car, sobbing the whole way.  I dislike drama.  But my heart hurts more when stuff like this happens.  When it is someone I know (this wasn't) - or even me that's involved (yes, I've done drama, and not done it well) -  it feels like a teensy bit of my heart dies.  Whatever the reason for relationship issues, my heart hurts.

Girly tools for manly work.
Felt good to be back on the trail this morning.  Enjoyed my glimpse of this pink shovel.  Can't recall seeing a pink shovel before.  Wondered if that meant only girly girls can use it.

The Husband was the recipient of a lovely plate of home-made goodies.  In thanks for his helping out with a neighbor's plumbing problem back on Memorial Day.  He was flattered to be asked, happy to help and had no thought of reward.  Makes the thank-you even more memorable.  Those home-made crispy peanut butter balls were sheer heaven on my tongue.

After bingeing on Father's Day / Birthday treats and trying to get away from such things, my emotions are out of whack as I go through a bit of carb/sugar withdrawal.  It makes me weepy.  Dislike feeling so out of control.

An editorial in the paper this morning contained the phrase: "tyranny of caring".  The Husband and I had a mini discussion about this.  (Having been the victim - and haven't we all at one time or another) of said tyranny I "got"it immediately.  What a turn of phrase.  My immediate gut response was to determine to never be the perpetrator of such behavior.  Hopefully the phrase will stick in my mind and I'll be aware enough to avoid it.

Tonight's agenda includes a wedding reception.  I'm planning to keep those tears in check.

Father's Day

I don't approach Father's Day with the same reluctance as I do Mother's Day.  Obviously.  The Husband seems to have made a decision early this morning that no matter what he was going to have a good time today.  I'm thinking that choice worked - he was in a great mood the entire day.  (I, on the other hand, am back in my funk.  Sunday has a way of doing that to me.)

Since his birthday is generally within 7 days of Father's Day he gets short shrift on one or the other occasions.  Try as I might to not let that happen, it does.

Cake before candles and partaking.
One thing I've done for years has been to provide a rose for him to wear to church.  I hope it makes him feel special.  This year....I forgot.  How could that happen?  We had plenty of lovely blooms to choose from.  I felt so small and inadequate - this most important man in my life was missing his badge.  Next year....

Before we were married he introduced me to German Chocolate Cake with Coconut Pecan Frosting.  I have made it for him every year since.  (I have succumbed to laziness and now use a box mix for the cake, but the frosting is still from scratch.)  From a conversation we had yesterday I'm fairly certain he thought I'd forgotten the cake.  But no, that is one tradition I have clung to.

I think it was a success.  We shared it with our son and his children and our daughter.  The other daughter sent her love and happy wishes.  (The other son will most likely communicate tomorrow.)  There are only a couple pieces of cake left, so it must have been ok.

There were only a few gifts - saving the money for the new computer he desires.  Didn't seem to matter.  He's been the recipient of hugs and laughter and has had his cup somewhat filled with the affection he so rightly deserves.

How to tell someone how much they are the center of your life?  I don't have sufficient or adequate words to convey that intent.  That won't stop me from trying, though.  And I shall continue to try....

Thursday's Observations

A rare private moment on the trail.
Decided to walk the trail north this morning, and return some books at the library.  Yesterday I saw a red-winged blackbird.  Today I mostly saw smaller birds that were singing their little hearts out.

Egg or chicken first?
Morning Swim
The north end of the trail is fairly busy with runners/joggers/bikers/dogs.  I'm aging knees don't care for running/jogging.  Not fond of dogs and it was too windy today for biking.  Not many people just walking along like me.

This little mallard waited patiently for me to get his picture before paddling along the creek.

In the 1940's Draper was known as the "egg basket" of America.  There are several versions of these cute bronzes scattered around our library.  I'm quite taken with them.

Learning to flush again.
I continue to find amusement in public restrooms.  This was in the stall at the Herriman library.  My first time in this particular branch of our county library system.  Still prefer our own little Draper branch.  Don't remember seeing this particular set of instructions before.  And yes, I followed the appropriate sequence.

Today's gratitude:  that The Husband provides enough for us that I don't have to work outside the home.  (We lead a fairly low-key pretty simple way of life. We are content.)  A real luxury.

Midweek Musings

• Three minutes into my bike ride this morning, heading down the trail, I have my eyes on a woman ahead of me.  Suddenly she's stopped - a frozen silhouette.  What on earth?  (Mental shrug, people are always doing strange things on the trail.)  Arriving at her side I quickly stop my bike - not 15 feet in front of us is a lovely deer meandering across the trail.

Down the hill, onto the railroad tracks and off she bounds.  Boing...Boing...Boing.  What a lovely sight to see first thing this morning.

My neighbor's pretty lilies.
• Watched two robins harass, chase and harangue a magpie - a bird multiples of times larger.  Wondered what the magpie did to cause such ire.  And decided I know just what the magpie feels like. Thankfully not for awhile, though.

• Returning home on my bike, got yelled at by the flagman at the construction site.  (Which site you say?  Take your pick, they're everywhere!) Still wonder what would have happened had I just ignored him - would he have me arrested? Could be interesting.  Might even test those waters tomorrow depending on how rebellious I feel.

• Went to lunch with a friend (Rumbi has great tortilla soup, even on a 90 degree day). Poor thing:  I haven't had The Husband around to chat with.  She got all those saved up words.  All at once.  Still, she said let's do this again, so it must not have been too awful.

• Received a thank you note from the wedding shower a couple weeks ago.  Now that girl has learned some manners.  And such a sweet note, very personal.  I'm thinking she's going to be just fine.

Still Looking:

Delectable scented honeysuckle.
For a pair of white jeans for the summer.  Mostly only find capris.  Finally found some jeans today - ginormous rear pocket flaps (my rear is plenty big already, thanks) and long enough for 6'9" Karl Malone.  No sale.

For some truly pink honeysuckle.  These are close, but not quite.  The pink ones smell different.  Just as lovely, just different.  The fragrance of these teensy little flowers spreads clear across and down the trail making my morning walk so much nicer.

For something for The Husband for Father's Day  / Birthday.  It'll be slim pickings for him this year.  I still completely advocate that "being content" thing (it's such a delightful way to be) -  but it also makes for difficult gifting.  Sorry, My Love, a hug just might have to do this year (the new Mac Pro isn't available yet, even for you.)

And Found:
Good Morning Beautiful World!

Several more books on the library shelves that reached out and lunged into my hand as I was walking past.   (The Librarian asked would I please take some more books home with me so she'd have room for still more books on the shelves.  I did my best - all I could manage.)

A quiet spot at Corner Bakery to eat yet another untried (but now tried and liked) item from their menu.  Slowly working my through each and every offering.

A friend on my walk this morning.  Took me 20 minutes longer than usual.  Worth the chat with someone I haven't seen in a while.  Grateful she didn't seem to notice my pillow-hair, lack of make-up and fuddy-duddy walking duds.

This beautiful sky greeting me as I left the house at 6:30 this morning.

Today's gratitude:  for my clothes washer and dryer.  Tuesdays and Fridays are more pleasant because of them.

You Can Tell It's Monday....Again

Me watching the time drag till The Husband returns.
You'd think I'd get used to the traveling The Husband does for his new job (that he is thoroughly enjoying - Hooray! And we are so very grateful for the miracle of this job).  So far I haven't had any success at that.  So, 6:15 a.m. rolls around and he rolls out of the driveway.  I shall miss him.

Had to get up at midnight-thirty and turn on the air conditioning.  It was 83.9 degrees outside.  Rare for it to be that warm at night in early June.

Traveled to Target for something from yesterday's ad.  Apparently I didn't read the ad close enough.  Said item won't be available until tomorrow.  I feel like an idiot.

Free Jamba Juice (my frequent buyer card was full! Only paid $.27 for the whey protein) and the 94 degrees outside was a teensy more tolerable.  Is it fall yet?

My cellphone is in a snit.  Have had to re-start several times.  It thinks it's Monday.

Arrived home to find mail in our box for not only us, but both our next door neighbors.  Whined to the P.O. delivery supervisor about it.  (Our mail was misdelivered to our next door neighbor to the south on Saturday.)  Not sure what whining accomplished.  Didn't even make me feel better.

Managed to text something to The Husband that made him laugh.  (Fist pump of success!!)

All in all it surely feels like a Monday.  Out of sorts, out of whack and out of synch. And it is only 3:40 p.m.

Today's gratitude:  for air conditioning and ibuprofen.

A Sunday Dislike

I dislike that feeling of being "judged and found wanting."  It happens.  To all of us.  Hopefully on rare occasions.  But still, more often than I find comfortable.

The thing is...none of us is perfect.  Not one.  No matter what.  When I get that "judged" feeling, I try to remember that.  I try to keep in mind that every single person on this earth chose to be here.  That we are all spiritual children of a Heavenly Father who loves us - every one of us.  That the Savior's atonement covers every single sin of every individual.  Every one. Sometimes I'm more successful at remembering that than others.

The corollary is this - how am I doing?  Do I convey the attitude that I judge and find others less than optimal?  I fear I do.  And more often than I should.  And therein lies the rub: how is it possible to expect others to treat me any differently than I treat them?  I shouldn't talk the talk of brotherly Christlike love for everyone then turn around the next day and snub someone (walk a different walk).

I have been unable to rid my mind of this article (link below) with all its implications.  My behavior should reflect my beliefs, my core morals, regardless of another's apparent beliefs, core morals - even appearance. Perhaps someone's "judgement" of me is wrong; then again perhaps it is merely a reflection of the hidden trials that have been shared with no one.  "When need doesn't come in the package we expect it to, it is easy to miss."  (M. Eyring.)

Blanket statements of what is wrong (in our opinion) are not helpful.  Blanket assumptions likewise unhelpful.  Directions as to how others should behave - out of line.  I can only travel through life's journey on my very own pathway.  As each of us do.  Pathways that intersect and can provide enrichment, beauty and warmth to another.  I will continue to endeavor to improve the beauty of my path's intersections to others.  It's a long, uphill road.

Must Oscar winners starve for their suppers? | Deseret News

Today's gratitude:  for sensitive, kind souls who reach out with love (and cookies) to a soul in need.


Over 2 dozen here - all from the front yard.
I always have a bit of nervousness when the weather warms and it is time to bring out the capris and lighter jeans from last year. (No, I don't usually buy new, dislike spending money...)  Will they fit?  Will I have to hold my breath?  Or will I have to capitulate and buy a bigger size for the season?  I delay the inevitable as long as I can.

This year was a YAY! year.  They all still fit.  Don't have to buy new unless I choose.  "Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles."  Made my heart a teensy bit happy.

The foot attire never causes me quite the same consternation.  Thank heavens.  Although this year I am having some serious arthritis issues in my foot.  Sigh....I guess I can't have it all, but that doesn't keep me from wanting.

Today's gratitude:  for old presentable clothes that still fit.  And for comfy, arch supporting sandals.  And for roses!


The annual spring/summer conflict has begun.

My Honey inhaling the honeysuckle.
The Husband loves to have the windows open.  And I admit I'm not averse to some fresh air.  So we leave the windows open at night trying to catch the breeze (or in the case of Draper: the gale winds).

I like the windows closed because of all the dust that comes in and the noise from the lawn mowers with their blowers and the construction noise from the jr. high through the block and the kids on their motorized scooters with their annoying buzz.  (Yep, I admit it, I'm old.  I enjoy the quiet.  It's peaceful.)

Closed windows = air conditioning. (Those computers and moniters - yes multiples - put out a lot of heat which is nice in the winter, not so comfy in the heat.)

So it's a tussle.  Closed or open windows? Air conditioning on or not?  Spending money(which I sincerely despise) on air conditioning or wiping up layer upon layer of grit from every possible surface?

Finding a happy middle ground isn't easy.  And it varies - depending on mood, stress and activity level, outside temps, cloudy days or sunny.  Mostly we seem to come to some sort of entente, or tolerance of each other's comfort levels.

The worst part of the equation is my seasonal allergy issue.  Took a vase outside today to fill with roses, wasn't out more than a few minutes.  Came in totally sniffing, sneezing, itching eyes.  And I even caved and took an antihistamine this morning.

Bottom line:  with all the beauty of the season and the loveliness of the gorgeous living things Heavenly Father graced our planet with, it seems to always be a season of misery for me.  Thou shalt not whine should be my motto.

Today's gratitude:  for Claritin D, and for thoughtful people who gift unnecessary but desired items for enriching another's life.

Simply "Stream of Consciousness"

Yet another way to describe the randomness of my thoughts....

• So loved the south end of the trail this morning.  The lovely chorus of meadowlarks was such a lift to my soul.
 Pretty Penstemon Palmeri 

• Also noticed these wildflowers.  (At first thought they might be pretty blooming weeds, but no, they're indigenous wildflowers.  How fun!)

• Haven't been able to get this out of my mind.  Went to a meeting - the speaker mentioned that she saved all the thank you cards she receives.  Pulled out a book about 4" thick so she could refer to a couple of them.  Little (invisible) bubbles popped up over the heads of every person in the room:  "Wow, she must do a lot of nice things for people." She probably does.  I posit that everyone else in the room does likewise.  Decided I prefer to let the angels keep track of those good things.  Lots of good deeds go without the earthly reward of a thank you note.  Doesn't matter. What matters is the good that is done.  The result:  I decided that I must be more diligent in sending thank you notes to people who dispense good deeds/words my direction.  So they know how important their kindness to me is.

• Having a full-glass front door can be problematic.  Did something I don't recall ever doing before: didn't answer the door.  Went in response to the doorbell (of course, it was dinnertime).  Noticed the stranger/salesman standing there in spite of the bright red "NO SOLICITING" sign on the glass.  Decided to let The Husband answer the door so I turned around without opening the door.  Guess the stranger/salesman got the message, he trudged on before The Husband managed to get there.  So, perhaps having the full-glass front door was actually a blessing in this instance.  Saved me from grief.

• Spent the day at home.  Reading, cooking, sewing, giving and receiving hugs (The Husband - so glad he's home!) and generally enjoying being here.

Today's quote worth pondering:
"My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh.  But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain."  --Charlie Chaplin

Friction Preventer

Used faithfully: prevents foot blisters.
Think I've mentioned before how afflicted I've been my whole life with blisters on my feet.  Came to the conclusion a long time ago that my feet must have just enough of a different shape (or perhaps it is how I walk on them) that causes there to be friction, the rubbing that causes blisters and issues.

Years ago, I finally listened to The Husband and bought some sports tape that I use on my heels and foot edges before "socking" and "shoeing".  It's a miracle!  No more blisters.

Of course The Husband suggested the tape for a long time before I actually acquiesced.  That old stubborn thing I've got going.

Have been thinking about that a bit.  How reluctant I was to try a simple little preventive care to avoid pain and suffering.  Yep... a lot like obedience. Or consideration of others.  Or good manners.  Or disciplining my tongue.  Lots of ways that a small measure of preventive care can avoid pain and suffering.

Went to re-supply my foot tape.  They were out of the brand I usually buy.  Bought the store brand.  Big mistake.  Didn't work.  Wasn't the right kind of adhesive.  Don't like it.

Yet another thought there:  substituting my own desires/guidelines/parameters won't give quite the same results as following the ones set forth by the Almighty.  Usually ends up being problematic.

I rarely put on a pair of shoes without my tape.  Too bad I can't govern my behavior as easily.

Today's gratitude:  The Husband has returned.  I will sleep well tonight.


We were up before the birdies this morning since The Husband had a flight to catch.  By the time he'd made it to the office it seemed like a Monday.  I said difficulties/trials/problems/issues come in threes.  He should be good to go for the rest of the day.

Been looking for quite some time for something to go with something (clear as mud?) that I want to give some friends for Christmas.  Finally think I've found a solution.  When my order arrives and I dive into the preparation we'll see if it is as brilliant as I suspect it is.

Aren't these peonies stunning?
Stopped in at a local fabric store in search of - yep- some fabric.  Something very specific.  Pretty sure what I got will work.  The fabulous side benefit was drinking in the sight of these fabulous peonies.  (Mine are single peonies and lovely, but are now dropping their petals.)  Someday I hope to have a bush or two of these lovely double full-headed blooms. (My phone takes pretty decent pictures, doesn't it?  Of course, the operator could use some tips...)

Mmmm, chocolate.
And (lunch/dinner)"lunner"?  Why, Corner Bakery of course.  (If The Husband is out of town it must be Corner Bakery time.) I tried a different sammich today and loved it.  Had a coupon for a free bundtlette that I didn't even pretend to resist.  That will be dinner/snack.

My insecurities have diminished with the borrowing of 5 books from the library.  I'm feeling much better, thanks.

And today's best news:  Our electricity bill arrived in the mail.  A whopping $12.95.  Truly:  $12.95.  Yippee!  That's the kind of bill I can enjoy.

Musings At The End Of a Monday

Was determined that I was going to pull out of this funk I've been in.  Then I went for a couple quick errands.  Between the construction that stops traffic everywhere (even in our little out of the way neighborhood) and the drivers who either never knew or forgot the basic rules of the road - (people turning right at an intersection do not yield to a driver turning left across the traffic - no matter how "kind" they think they're being.  When you change the rules to suit your mood you only impede traffic. And yes, I did call him an idiot.) - I ended up just plain mad.  The Husband keeps threatening to move to Boulder (UT).  Too many days like today and I just might take him up on it.

Received some schooling over the weekend about generosity.  I try really hard.  Some areas are harder for me (to be generous) than others.  Some things are no brainers.  Brownies should be one of them.  Can't believe I'm still learning how to be generous. (And kind.)

Stopped in at Paradise to spend the last of my gift card.  After my last experience I wasn't sure I'd ever go back.  But this time, not only did they get the order right, it was delicious and delivered with a smile.  Kudos to Paradise Bakery.

Managed to get caught up on the weekend-neglected vacuuming, laundry, bill-paying - even tossed in some sewing time.  That baby blanket just might get finished before her baby actually arrives.

Was disappointed in our local newspaper.  I'm fond of "you're."  I fear it will disappear from our ever-evolving language because of the prevalence of the use of "your" (and wrongly, I might add) in its place.  But...yep...there it was:  "your" instead of the proper "you're" right on the front page.  (Just like the ever present "I seen" instead of "I saw".)  "You're" -- I will miss you.

Nook - 77 Books to choose from.
Feeling a bit adrift.  I haven't a single book checked out from the library.  Started one from a friend that will be a DNF (did not finish).  Started another recommended by The Husband.  Probably another DNF (am currently at a low tolerance level for some of the language).  Thank heavens I have 77 books to choose from on my Nook.  (And lest anyone think I'm a spendthrift, each of those was either a free or deal-of-the-day book.  Haven't yet paid full price for anything on my Nook.)

Today's gratitude:  for roses  - their sweet aroma - and for plenty of tissues for sneezes!

Weekend Memories and Offhand Thoughts

The Daughter (and her two daughters) arrived on friday.  We had a lovely weekend.  Went to lunch with our other Daughter.  (Had a burned sammich, blech.)  It was another of our great "ladies lunches."

The Son (and wife and chilluns) stopped in for a visit.  What warmth to my heart to see the kids all playing together out in the yard.

Welcoming group hug = Smiles and happiness
Grandson and Granddaughter played the Wii for hours - things finished as nicely as they began.

Taped Soap dispenser
Went to the movie on Saturday (don't waste any money on After Earth!) and discovered yet another way to utilize that ever-so-handy duct tape.

Hugs from female progeny gave The Husband a huge smile. (We seem to love our group hugs.)

Listened to a sweet little baby be blessed today in church.  Noted with interest the father blessed him with acceptance of all people.  I'd like to run into this little guy in about 20 years and see what he's like.

Was treated to some warm fuzzies for The Husband who did a neighbor-plumbing-rescue the other day.  She was so grateful.

I think this is a happy peony bush, makes me smile

Enjoyed sitting out on the patio last night (relatives and friend included) until the allergies attacked so ferociously I had to flee indoors.  Last night's gratitude:  for some Claritin D that enabled me to sleep.

I know there are other things I mentally noted that I wanted to remember. They have disappeared into that great memory abyss that seems to collect all those things I wish to remember but never can.

Tonight's gratitude:  for sweet hugs, sweet memories, sweet testimonies.  Sweet things that help balance out the difficulties of life.